đź“– SFT Protocol User Guide

SFT Protocol
4 min readAug 11, 2023


👋 Welcome to the SFT Protocol — which provides LSD products that focus on storage and computing blockchains, such as Filecoin, among others, while building Web3 infrastructure ecosystems.

đź“ŤIn this guide, we will navigate through the intricate ecosystem of SFT Protocol, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to harness the power of liquidity for staking assets.

1. Add File Network

You need to add the “Filecoin Mainnet” in your Metamask Wallet before using any function on SFT Protocol.

(1) Click the browser in Metamask wallet, input “https://chainlist.org/” in the search bar.

(2) Search networks: “Filecoin Mainnet”

(3) Click “Add to Metamask”

(4) Click “Connect Wallet” — ”Approve” — “Switch Network”

2. Go to SFT Protocol DApp

(1) Click browser, input “www.sftproject.io” — click “go”

(2) Click “Launch APP” on the upper right of the page.

(3) Click “Connect” on the upper right of the page to connect your wallet to SFT Protocol.

3. Mint SFT

You need to mint “SFT” with FIL token before farming.

(1) Go to the “Asset” page, click “Mint”.

(2) Input the amount of FIL token you want to mint for farming — click “Mint” — click “Confirm”. It takes about 1 minute to mint SFT.

(3) You can input the referral ID below the “Mint Amount”.

*By inputting the referral ID, you and the recommender can earn corresponding rSPD by staking SFT in the farms. The more the number of stakes accumulates, the more rewards you will get. đź“–About rSPD token.

(4) In the “Asset” page, add token, SFT, rSFT and rSPD to your wallet, then you can check your asset details in the “Assets” page — Account Overview.

4. Farms

After minting SFT token with FIL, you can stake SFT to earn FIL.

4.1 Stake

(1) Go to the “Farms” page, click “Stake”. Input the amount of SFT you want to stake — click “Stake” — click “Confirm”. It takes about 1 minute to stake successfully.

*You can choose to stake SFT via Fixed or Demand, and the APR of the two ways of staking are different.

(2) You can check your staking details and daily earnings in the “Farms” page — Staking Overview.

4.2 Redeem

(1) In the “Farms” page, click “Redeem”.

(2) Input the amount of SFT you want to redeem to receive corresponding FIL, click “Redeem” — click “Confirm”.

5. Supply Liquidity with FIL

You can supply liquidity with FIL in the pool to earn FIL.

5.1 Supply liquidity

(1) Go to the “Pool” page, click “Supply”. Input the amount of FIL you want to supply in the liquidity pool — click “Supply” — click “Confirm”. It takes about 1 minute to successfully supply liquidity.

*By supplying liquidity, you will receive corresponding rSFT, which can be redeemed for FIL at any time at a 1:1 ratio.

(2) You can check your liquidity supply details in the “Pool” page — Supply Overview.

5.2 Withdral Liquidity

(1) In the “Pool” page, click “Withdrawal”

(2) Input the amount of rSFT you want to withdrawal, click “Withdrawal”

6. Borrow FIL

You can borrow FIL based on the quantity of your staked SFT tokens, with a maximum borrowing coefficient of 60% and no need to bear interest on the loan.

6.1 Borrow

  1. Go to the “Lend” page, click “Borrow FIL”.
  2. Select a farm staking order, drag the round button below or input the amount of FIL token you want to borrow — click “Borrow FIL” — click “Continue”.

(3) You can check the lending details in the “Lend” page — Lending Overview.

6.2 Repay

(1) In the “Lend” page, click “Repay FIL”

(2) Select a repayment staking order, click “Repay FIL” — click “Confirm”

đź‘‹ About SFT Protocol

SFT Protocol is a Web 3 infrastructure protocol that accelerates Web 3 development through LSD, AI data storage, privacy computing, optimization algorithms, and collaboration with global research institutions. SFT offers LSD products that focus on storage and computing blockchains, including Filecoin, while building Web3 infrastructure ecosystems.

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SFT Protocol

SFT Chain, a 'Chain of Chains', bridges physical infra with Web3, focusing on a DePIN platform that integrates storage, computing, edge CDN , and beyond.