🪂SFT Liquidity Pool Airdrop Event
2 min readSep 13, 2023
📅 Duration
September 14th, 6:00 AM UTC — October 13th, 6:00 AM UTC.
🙋How to Participate
During the event, stake your FIL in the FIL Liquidity Pool: https://www.sftproject.io/#/Pool
🎁 Eligibility for Rewards
During the event, accumulated staking amount of FIL ≥ 200 and total staking days ≥ 20.
🧮 Calculation Method
- Accumulated Staking Amount = Total Contribution Points ÷ 480
- Total Contribution Points = Sum of All Individual Contribution Points
- Individual Contribution Points = Amount of FIL staked in a single staking × Number of hours staked in a single staking
🪂 Reward Distribution
Within 7 days after the end of the event, eligible addresses will receive an rSPD airdrop based on a 1:1 ratio of their accumulated staking amount.
- If the cumulative staking time after being divided is less than one hour will be calculated as one full hour.
- A snapshot will be taken at 6:00 AM UTC on October 13th, and the total staked amount and duration for all participating addresses will be publicly disclosed.
- There are no restrictions on the number of deposits or withdrawals or the amounts for any given address.